Dashboard and Pages


Welcome to the heart of DatErica, where data management is made intuitive and efficient. After signing in, you'll be greeted by the Dashboard. It serves as your control center for all data processing activities.

Dashboard Functionality

The Dashboard page provides a powerful visual summary of your data processing pipelines, allowing you to quickly assess their status and health.


Timeframe Dropdown

  • Select Timeframe: At the top of the Dashboard is a dropdown menu that lets you select the timeframe for the data displayed. Options include:
    • Last 1 Hour
    • Last 24 Hours
    • Last 2 Days
    • Last 7 Days
    • Last 14 Days

Pipeline Run States Chart

  • Understanding Pipeline Success and Failure: This chart provides a snapshot of all your pipelines' performance. Green bars represent successful runs, while red bars indicate failed runs.

Pipeline Run Alerts Chart

  • Tracking Alert Severity: The 'Pipeline Run Alerts' chart provides a visualization of the distribution of pipeline run failures, categorized by alert severity. DatErica defines four severity levels—Critical, High, Medium, and Low—enabling you to quickly identify and prioritize the most pressing issues.